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Download & Technical Support: GODIAG Auto Tools

IMMO OFF Bosch EDC16U31 VW by GODIAG GT100 and SVCI 2020 NEW

It has been tested that GODIAG GT100 OBD2 Breakout Box and SVCI 2020 (VAG V21.0 software) can do Immo off on VAG EDC16U31 ECU.

GODIAG GT105 Review: Unboxing+ Wake Up ECU+ Communication Detection+ Power Device NEW

Here share the user guide with words, images and videos about how to use GODIAG GT105 ECU IMMO Prog AD. 

Any difference between GODIAG GT100 + and GT100 breakout box? NEW has launched a new GODIAG auto tool- GODIAG GT100+ GT100 Pro. It adds 3 more functions than GODIAG GT100. It is also available with European, American and British regulations. Check more differences in this post.
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